Scotts Disease Ex Directions
Scotts disease ex directions. Scotts Grub Ex is intended to be used for control of Japanese beetles and their grubs for the whole season. Click to see full answer. Scotts Lawn Fungus Control is concocted to control common fungal disease in your lawn like stripe smut dollar spot brown patch and other turfgrass diseases.
These bugs threaten your yard and garden in a few ways. Its also common in areas with high humidity and excess rainfall. Scotts Diseaseex Many suggest spraying the lawn with water before applying and letting sit at least a half hour before watering in because of this.
If you have any further questions or would like further assistance please contact us at 877-220-3089 and one of our representatives would be glad to assist you. Always follow directions indicated on this instruction sheet. Do not apply more than 37 lbs of Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide per 1000 square feet in a single year.
This formula is safe to use at any time on any lawn to control prevent or suppress listed turfgrass diseases. Many suggest spraying the lawn with water before applying and letting sit at least a half hour before watering in because of this. Use the shorter re-treatment intervals and higher application rates when prolonged favorable disease conditions exist.
The Scotts diseaseEX fungicide can be used for prevention as well as control of a wide range of problem lawn diseases like Powdery mildew Brown patch Nercrotic ring spot and Red thread among others. Your interest in Scotts Disease Ex Fungicide for Lawns is appreciated. Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide provides broad spectrum disease prevention and control.
It will also control other beetle grubs chinchbugs cutworms and their larvae that live under your lawn. This has a systemic action formula which aids the start of the plants healing. Scotts DiseaseEx controls common diseases like.
Just be sure to follow the directions on the label. Do not apply more than 37 lbs.
Do not apply when temps are over 85 degrees.
Use the shorter re-treatment intervals and higher application rates when prolonged favorable disease conditions exist. It will also control other beetle grubs chinchbugs cutworms and their larvae that live under your lawn. However it does need water to activate it. This has a systemic action formula which aids the start of the plants healing. Possibly better control against foliar disease like Brown Patch that way. To avoid gaps and streaks first spread the border of lawn and then fill in center with uniform parallel passes. Do not apply when lawn is under stress from heat or drought. Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide provides broad spectrum disease prevention and control. Scotts DiseaseEx controls common diseases like.
This new product is fast acting and continues to control lawns diseases for up to 4 weeks. This product does not have any effect on seeding and can be used any time before or after seeding a lawn. Do not apply more than 37 lbs of Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide per 1000 square feet in a single year. It acts fast and will control lawn diseases for up to f. Control and prevent a wide range of troublesome lawn diseases with Scotts DiseaseEx Lawn Fungicide. This has a systemic action formula which aids the start of the plants healing. Heavy thatch and over-fertilizing predispose a lawn to brown patch disease.
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